Sensors Help

Battery Voltage

Pressing Get Battery voltage will return the Battery Voltage in mV. Note if the USB cable is plugged in and the Power Switch is off, isolating the battery from the microcontroller, then the reported voltage will be the voltage after the 3V regulator i.e. approximately 3000mV

Proximity Sensors

The settings for the Proximity Sensors and reading from the proximity sensors are available here. The proximity sensors are used to obtain a measure of the distance between the BristleBot and an object in front of the BristleBot.

The following settings can be made:

The sensor can be enabled and disabled using the Start/Stop button. Note if you navigate away from this page whilst the sensor is enabled it will continue to operate.

The threshold input boxes allow you to set the level at which the limit indicators are triggered for the left and right proximity sensors. These limits are also used by the Autonomous driving program.

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